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My Day

Yesterday I went to my first class at the mall, Introduction to architecture. First of I was late again because the D bus took forever; there was a new driver. When class was finally done I went to catch the D bus back and it pulled up as soon as we walked out. We usually have to wait for it then too. So I guess we waited the same amount of time for the bus if you calculate it up. Then I come home debating if to go eat or not. Because when I eat I tend to want to go to sleep after and if I go eat I have to go to class right after I eat. And I might just fall asleep in class. So I was walking back down stairs to go eat but I changed my mind and just came home and ate a fruit cup in my room. While in my room eating my fruit cup the lights shut off and I find out all the power is one. I though t it was just my room but it was not the whole floor then I find out it’s about the whole campus or at least everywhere dorm where I knew people lived. I don’t even think people to in to their dorms the way they usually did because the lock that opens the door with our ID card uses power. So class time is coming up and the lights are still off so I walk to class to see if classes are still going on because there is no lights anywhere n campus. When I got to my class there was lights back on there but the teacher told us to go home anyway. As soon as I walked n he dismissed the whole class. So I just turned back around and went home. When I got home the lights were back on finally it was like an hour they were off. So I went to my friend’s room they we decided to go eat. Because when the power went of the power in the cafeteria did too so they shut down the cafeteria. So because of this power outage a lot of things were affected.

Shattered Glass

In the beginning of the movie I feel Stephen seems laid back and fun and easy to talk to. He interacts with his co-workers friendly and as a listener, and his coworkers seem him s funny, interesting, and caring. I think he’s very interesting and
fun to talk to. I would like to hang out with him Stephen in the first part of the movie. Stephen faces ethical issues like telling the truth. The film explores the
ethical issues of lying and if it ever is right to lie. I think what he
has done is wrong because first of all he is lying. Second of all it is
for unnecessary reasons, like to leave his job, and so people will not be
mad at him. The ethical dilemmas Chuck, Stephens editor, faces are to lie for Stephen, or just to let Stephen go without nothing being done to him even though he lied in the
story he wrote. He also has the dilemma of if he should just lying to the
other online magazine so they will not hurt the magazine. Third is hard
for him because he went to high school worth Stephen and also Stephen is
his friend, and everybody at the job loves Stephen. Stephen uses rhetorical appeals by always asking “Are you mad at me”, ‘I’m sorry”, “But I didn’t do anything wrong”. He also changes his facial expressions when someone asks him questions and he replies with asking those questions. He changes his face to an innocent, i9 didn’t do anything

Shattered Glass

In the beginning of the movie I feel Stephen seems laid back and fun and easy to talk to. He interacts with his co-workers friendly and as a listener, and his coworkers seem him s funny, interesting, and caring. I think he’s very interesting and
fun to talk to. I would like to hang out with him Stephen in the first part of the movie. Stephen faces ethical issues like telling the truth. The film explores the
ethical issues of lying and if it ever is right to lie. I think what he
has done is wrong because first of all he is lying. Second of all it is
for unnecessary reasons, like to leave his job, and so people will not be
mad at him. The ethical dilemmas Chuck, Stephens editor, faces are to lie for Stephen, or just to let Stephen go without nothing being done to him even though he lied in the
story he wrote. He also has the dilemma of if he should just lying to the
other online magazine so they will not hurt the magazine. Third is hard
for him because he went to high school worth Stephen and also Stephen is
his friend, and everybody at the job loves Stephen. Stephen uses rhetorical appeals by always asking “Are you mad at me”, ‘I’m sorry”, “But I didn’t do anything wrong”. He also changes his facial expressions when someone asks him questions and he replies with asking those questions. He changes his face to an innocent, i9 didn’t do anything

This Week and Coming to College

This week was an okay week. It was neither the worst nor the best. I had to get up earlier than usual today. Tomorrow I have a quiz and project to do for my Computers in Business class. And Thursday I have a Business Calculus Quiz. This week has also been very tiring. I usually don’t sleep in the day but recently I have been taking short naps which are surprising to me. College really does change you and mature in different ways. To me I already was an independent person but it is like every week I become more and more independent.

I thought I did everything I could independently before. But now there is no mother there, I realize how many things she did for me, and now am doing it myself. College is just learning and a growing experience in many ways. But I am glad that I already did things on my own before, or coming to college would have been a drastic change and would have been more difficult.

At first I could not wait to leave home and have nobody to answer to and be in the way all the time. Now I still love that freedom but I miss having family be there. Even though when I go home I then want to come back after a few days, when I come back after another a day or two I miss the family again. From that I just learned be grateful for what you have because when it is not there anymore you tend to miss it.

Abortion as an Ethical Issue

Is abortion ethical? Is abortion right or wrong? According to the laws of modern time abortion is legal. But Christians believe coming from scripture from the Bible, taking of any life is always murder. Which then refers to the Ten Commandments in the Bible also, “thou shall not kill”. And abortion is killing of an unborn infant; it is murder. To Christians also God is the only one who has the right to take and give life. Logically and scripturally life begins at conception. So is birth control ethical? It is ethical to the majority of society because it is available. But is it too Christians. Is there a different view? Morally wrong world be taken the life of an unborn child even when continuing the pregnancy to a certain could even endanger the mother. This is then again taking a humans life which is also murder. These situations only God can say if it moral.
To me abortion is wrong because I am a Christian and that is what the Bible says. To me if you do not want a child at that time you most likely should not being have sex in the first place, for example if you are not married. Or if that is not the case you need to be using protection. But if you still get pregnant it is for a reason, God is the ruler of all things. He let it happen so there is probably a reason behind it or its just God’s will.

My First Days at USF

My first days at the University of South Florida I did not know exactly what to expect, but I met a goof friend. I moved in, and then family said there good byes and I love you and then left and I was just here. I met my roommates and some of my floor mates. But until we had a floor meeting I dint see them all. One of the people I didn’t get to see before was the one person I am closest to on my floor now. His name is Hallet. I do not know why we clicked like we did. I guess because he is African American like me, and from the islands like me. And there is not too many of those on the floor I live in. But he is Jamaican, and I am Antiguan, Another reason I think is because he is funny and I also love laughing and like to have a good time. Also both of our last names are Francis so I guess it’s just meant to be. We are just close friends though. We stopped talking for about a week because of a misunderstanding but were back talking now trying to get back where we use to be. I know we will soon. It was different when we were not talking because he is the only one I really talk to n my floor. So I am glad we are talking now. We most likely will be good friends throughout college do I am glad I met him the first semester.

Topic of Choice

In this blog of my choice I am going to speak about where I see my life in fifteen years. In fifteen years I look ahead and see myself graduated from college, with my two graduate degrees in Graphic design and Business management. I also would be married with a child. I would be married to the man God put on this earth for me; “the one”. If God has put him in this world for me he will be everything I need and everything God has put in my heart to want my man to be. Also I would be trying to have another baby also. By then I would already have my own house. By then I would have already have had my own business and it would be doing great in the economy and growing. My family will be doing well and be financially stable. I will love my job and want to go to work, even when owning it I can come in when I want to. I also would be attending my fifteen year school reunion. Also I would be visiting my old class mates at that time. By then I also would be an aunt so I will be spoiling a few cute family members. I also would be attending a great church, a church that is lead by God and his word and is growing, and is diverse and welcoming to everyone. I will also have a ministry, at the church I am gin to be attending, or working in a ministry there. Truly in fifteen years I see myself where God had put me and guided me to.

Article in News

The United States Department of Agriculture stopped the deliverances of beef to schools from the Hallmark Meat Packing in Chino. This supply was accused of supplying meat from a potentially at risk cattle and mistreating cattle. It was announced on Tuesday by the agency’s Food Safety and Inspection Service that Hallmark Meat Packaging in China would stop supply meat until they investigate the situation. They had a video sent to them performing the process of slaughtering the cows in the wrong way, so they also got their contract suspended. While this is going on ‘Westland Meat Co., Hallmark’s distributor and a ground beef supplier for the National School Lunch Program’, stopped any buying and selling at this time. The head of the USDA undersecretary of the department inspection system said there people thoroughly inspect so they are not sure how this came about.
This article makes you think if you have ate bad meat before, just because the Meat Packing workers were giving out bad meat even if it was bad or that they were just doing their jobs wrong. Which these reasons are both ridiculous, and could be prevented. It also makes the reader wonder what other things any worker, from any field, can be doing that is the incorrect way that could be health hazardous to us. Even when I went to the cafeteria after reading this article, so many negative things that could be wrong with the food was running through my head. You just never know you just have to live life.
To view the story:,0,401189.story

Topic of Choice

For my topic of choice I am going to speak about if marijuana should be legalized. Well I think I am more against the legalization of marijuana for me personally because I do not smoke and do not ever plan on it. So to me they could illegalize it. But thinking for others I am not sure either, the only thing I really know about it from my side of life is mostly just smoking it to get high. Some people use marijuana to relieve stress also. Well it is more of a health risk so it should be illegal. If damages the mostly at high percentage I do not see the positive aspect of legalizing it. If marijuana is legalized it would damage more people and most likely more frequently, because it would be more available and be smoked even more than the amount smoked now. Marijuana has dangers like any other substance in the world, but it is not needed so it does not need to be legalized. It also has a larger number of dangers, as a result of consuming it, than these other substances that we need are in the world and is not illegal. For example food has dangers also but it is not as negative as the consumption of alcohol. What I am saying is Marijuana is not needed so why the United States should put something negative, for the most part, available for any person to get. Marijuana is just another thing just like cigarettes that is not needed. Marijuana should not be legalized because there are not good enough reasons to legalize it.

Class Discussion Blog-Should you give a homeless person a dollar?

I would usually give a homeless person a dollar because they are homeless they need it. They could buy food, water and clothing, and things needed to support their family. But reasons I would not give a homeless person a dollar are because they could spend it unwisely, they could waste it, and I would rather buy food or whatever they needed and give it to them. They could spend the dollar you give them unwisely and buy unneeded things, like drugs and alcohol. They could waste the dollar given to them because they might have not deserved it. They could have been homeless for reasons they could have prevented or because of laziness. They could have chose not o work and make money, and the money I would be given them would of came from the hard earned money I have worked for. I chose to work for my money and earn it so I would not want someone to throw it away, o spend it on unneeded things, when I could have bought something I needed or even just wanted. I would also just rather buy them what they need instead because if I do that I would know my money did not go to waste or was not spent unwisely. When doing this you can take them to go buy food, water, clothes and more. I would also rather go and buy what they are asking for because they could be lying about their living condition and change their minds after I say I would go buy it for them. Also if they are lying and saying they are going to buy something needed and they really are going to go buy drugs or alcohol, unneeded things, than I would prevent them from hurting their selves more and know that I will be really spending my money to benefit them by buying them what they need right there and then.