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Analyzed Commercial
In this presidential campaign advertisement it is designed and the people are clothed in reference to the Spartan movie. The people are dressed like soldiers back in time. In this advertisement the three argumentative appeals are used which are ethos, pathos, and logos. In this commercial there is the Spartan leader in between the Spartans and the opposing group which one of them is an Arcadian. Ethos which is appealing to audience’s truth and authority is used when the head Spartan, the leader, starts off the commercial. The Spartan leader is at the middle of the two groups of soldiers and asking the opposing group “what is your profession?” and then the Spartan group. The Spartan group is Obama’s people and the opposing group is not for Obama. As the three of the opposing group soldiers each are asked “what is your profession”. One answers a Farter, and then farts. One answers a Foot-sniffer and then sniffs. The last one answers a bartologist. This part of the commercial displays pathos, which is the comical sense of the commercial. After the Spartan leader asks the opposing soldiers that question he asks the Spartans the same question and they reply “Obama!, Obama!, Obama!”. After the Spartans are finished cheering “Obama!” The Spartan leader turns to the opposing group of soldiers and says “See old friend, I brought more soldiers then you did”. And then the commercial finishes with a bang noise and end with thanking Snoop Dogg Productions and then goes to another slide and shows a banner across of the middle of the screen saying vote for Obama and end the war, with a picture of Obama on the banner.

T he view I have on the argumentative topic of abortion is that I am not for it. One of the reasons I have this view is because the word of God is against it. Also one of the reasons I have this view is that the thought if killing someone, a baby in this case the thought se, is not positive to me. The thought of a baby being killed in any circumstance especially for reasons that could have been avoided is not acceptable t me. Also now that woman have a way out of having children they will not as safe as they could be, just because there is an easy way out of it. I have heard of teens getting abortions just because of having unprotected sex, because their boyfriends did not like using condoms. My point is if you did not want to get pregnant avoiding it as much as you can, do not just do whatever you like and then get an abortion. To me that is in other words saying that you would rather end up having to kill a child, your child, in order to not use condoms and please your companion and to not have to worry about being safe and protected by using condoms and more. My last main reason why I am against the act of having an abortion is that it too is also murder, just as killing someone, which is against the law, so why is murder against the law but abortion is not, and abortion is an act of murder.

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