
My Day

Yesterday I went to my first class at the mall, Introduction to architecture. First of I was late again because the D bus took forever; there was a new driver. When class was finally done I went to catch the D bus back and it pulled up as soon as we walked out. We usually have to wait for it then too. So I guess we waited the same amount of time for the bus if you calculate it up. Then I come home debating if to go eat or not. Because when I eat I tend to want to go to sleep after and if I go eat I have to go to class right after I eat. And I might just fall asleep in class. So I was walking back down stairs to go eat but I changed my mind and just came home and ate a fruit cup in my room. While in my room eating my fruit cup the lights shut off and I find out all the power is one. I though t it was just my room but it was not the whole floor then I find out it’s about the whole campus or at least everywhere dorm where I knew people lived. I don’t even think people to in to their dorms the way they usually did because the lock that opens the door with our ID card uses power. So class time is coming up and the lights are still off so I walk to class to see if classes are still going on because there is no lights anywhere n campus. When I got to my class there was lights back on there but the teacher told us to go home anyway. As soon as I walked n he dismissed the whole class. So I just turned back around and went home. When I got home the lights were back on finally it was like an hour they were off. So I went to my friend’s room they we decided to go eat. Because when the power went of the power in the cafeteria did too so they shut down the cafeteria. So because of this power outage a lot of things were affected.

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