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The United States Department of Agriculture stopped the deliverances of beef to schools from the Hallmark Meat Packing in Chino. This supply was accused of supplying meat from a potentially at risk cattle and mistreating cattle. It was announced on Tuesday by the agency’s Food Safety and Inspection Service that Hallmark Meat Packaging in China would stop supply meat until they investigate the situation. They had a video sent to them performing the process of slaughtering the cows in the wrong way, so they also got their contract suspended. While this is going on ‘Westland Meat Co., Hallmark’s distributor and a ground beef supplier for the National School Lunch Program’, stopped any buying and selling at this time. The head of the USDA undersecretary of the department inspection system said there people thoroughly inspect so they are not sure how this came about.
This article makes you think if you have ate bad meat before, just because the Meat Packing workers were giving out bad meat even if it was bad or that they were just doing their jobs wrong. Which these reasons are both ridiculous, and could be prevented. It also makes the reader wonder what other things any worker, from any field, can be doing that is the incorrect way that could be health hazardous to us. Even when I went to the cafeteria after reading this article, so many negative things that could be wrong with the food was running through my head. You just never know you just have to live life.
To view the story:,0,401189.story

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